Torah for Children -Book 1
Torah for Children -Book 1
Torah for Children is a series of books, assisting Torah observant parents and those new to the Hebraic faith to teach their children the way of YHWH in a Hebraic environment.
The first book in this series contains over 100 pages and is now available. It includes content from Creation to the Tower of Babel (Bereshith/Genesis 1-11). Other books will follow soon.
The books include short extracts from Scripture, simplified for children's comprehension, followed by activities such as questions, puzzles, coloring pictures, quizzes, and many other engaging activities that will keep your children occupied and stimulate their knowledge of Torah.
All questions are covered by answers in the back of the book, so you do not have to put in too much work in teaching your children.
** Above information provided by publisher site.**