This book is a MUST HAVE for any born again believer OR truth seeker who is looking for YHWH's heart, NOT only FOUNDATIONAL matters, but also on how should we then walk and behave among ourselves, and others among us, as HIS Ambassadors
Even if you have been a believer for years, the scriptures used, the truths printed, and the hearts of the men who wrote these articles is definitely a must for those who want the ABBA-solute truth on subjects of the faith. The enemy can use any error and lead us astray. We must possess the truths ourselves so HE can use us, trust us with HIS babies and those seeking for HIM.
Our heart is to pass on the truth learned in these Qodesh Books (including the ISR The Scriptures 2009) to those searching.
We are blessed that YHWH sends people to us who are just starting on this path or are seeking truth from HIM...and we send them home with The Scriptures, Come Out of Her, and now, Back to YHWH which I just discovered a few months ago.
CJ Koster and Wilhelm Wolfaardt, and other contributors, are mature believers with a LOVE for YHWH and HIS WORD and draw us in to a deeper understanding of the words we use and throw around but maybe, just maybe, we don't have ALL the understanding that is in these basic concepts of Scriptures. Back to YHWH will identify our weaknesses, our errors in faith or expression, and train us up, most of all, in the HEART of the matters.
These are the last days. We need to transfer this truth to upcoming generations who have been or will be misled by the perverted, man made doctrine of the Church, and/or of the man made (Rabbinic) doctrine of Messianic Judaism, who both gained their knowledge (notice I didn't say wisdom) from seminaries teaching each branch or denomination their doctrine (i.e. modern day Pharisees and Sadducees) rather than depending on the calling, the anointing and the gifting of YHWH. And yes, there are self appointed anointed men in the Hebrew Roots movement who lead and have led people astray. Many of these men are not necessarily doing it on purpose but have received these errors by trusting their teachers.
If we are built up in truth, in the faith then we must walk and talk the foundational truths discussed in Back to YHWH and share, plant seeds, water the seed planted within them, fertilize the seed planted; pouring out truths you have within you. Mixed seed in our faith will be weeded out.
Many of these people around us are christians (but not necessarily born again) and some others are born again believers who have always had an unction that they are missing something, standing outside the door, knocking for truth, thirsty for truth, hungry for a deeper walk...and COULD NOT FIND because maybe they don't even know what they are missing but know they are!!!