W.O.W. - Word of the Week - SHALOM


Hebrew #7965 - Shalom-  שלום

Definition: (1) completeness, soundness, welfare, peace; (2) peace, friendship (of human relationship; (3) Yahuah’s good news;



- Genesis (Berěshith) 37:4
“But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him and were not able to speak peaceably to him.”



– Isaiah (Yeshayah) 57:18-19
“’I have seen his ways, but now I heal him, and I lead him, and restore comforts to him and to his mourners, creating the fruit of the lips: peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,’ said  
יהוה, ‘and I shall heal him.’”



Psalm (Tehillim) 29:11
יהוה gives strength to His people; יהוה blesses His people with shalom.”



Ephesians (Eph’siyim)  6:14-15
“Stand, then, having girded your waist with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having fitted your feet with the preparation of the Good News of peace;”


Throughout the scriptures you will see the word shalom or peace show up in just about every book. It shows how important it is, to walk in shalom, with all those around you.

Shalom definition Simple tan background

Now this might not mean, having no wars, or letting wrongness dwell in the midst to keep peace with the brothers, because there is plenty of that throughout scripture. But knowing that in Yahuah’s midst and amid His true people, there will be shalom. 

Shalom is such a more meaningful word than just peace. What does peace mean? Our society sometimes can give us different meanings for words that might not be the same as scripture, which I believe, peace is one of those words. 

The first meaning of peace that I found was this,

“The absence of war or other hostilities.”

While shalom does mean this, it’s also so much deeper, even to the point of spiritual warfare. The Hebrew letters for Shalom are:

ש – shin – teeth – destruction or beauty

ל – lamed – shepherd’s staff – authority, or correction

ו – vav – nail – connection, or comes to

ם – mem – water – chaos, or peace

So with those meanings shalom means,

“Destroying the authority that comes to chaos.”

It’s such a cool word, even just saying it can cause the chaos to cease in the spiritual realm. Yahuah gives us what we need to fend off the enemy.

My favorite passage speaking about shalom is the passage in Ephesians 6 talking about the armor. It's Ephesians 6:10-18 if you want to check it out (be sure to catch the last piece of the armor that a lot of people miss, Eph. 6:19). It's very good to pray this over ourselves and our close brethren, as you never know when the enemy might attack.

As Yahuah’s people, it is very important that we walk in shalom, displaying His character and creating a culture. And if you want to literally walk in Shalom creating a culture, be sure to check out our t-shirts and hoodies, especially our all-cotton SHALOM hoodie, and spread the Good News of Shalom!

Shalom, and may this build His Kingdom in your life!


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