“A man’s days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so
he flourishes. For the wind blows over it and it is no more, and its
place no longer remembers it.” -Psalm 103:15-16 Ts2009
Man, humankind, are as grass or a flower. Isaiah 40:6-8, says that all flesh is as grass, and its loving-commitment is as a flower, but Yahuah’s Word’s stand forever. The Book of James says it like this,
“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow, let us go to such and
such a city, spend a year there, and trade, and make a profit,’
when you do not know of tomorrow. For what is your life? For it is
a vapor that appears for a little, and then disappears --
instead of your saying, ‘If the Master desires we shall live and
do this or that’.” 4:13-15 Ts2009
A family friend likes to talk about Psalm 90:12,
“Teach us to number our days,
And let us bring the heart to wisdom.” Ts2009
Remembering that we are like grass, and a flower, ready to fade away in a moment, is wisdom for us, knowing our frailty and recognizing Yahuah’s grace and mercy to us. Keeping our sights on Him and the things above the earth, because that is all just a vapor too. The earth and its riches and everything in it, could be wiped away in just a moment. Realizing this, we need to order our steps according to Yahuah’s will, asking Him, “What is it you want me to do today?” Taking every opportunity to praise Him. Taking every opportunity to Give Him esteem. Taking every opportunity to obey Him. Remembering we are a vapor that could be gone in a second, with no more opportunities.
Look at Abraham, how quickly he obeyed. Look at the Prophets, who spoke but received a rotten tomato, rather than listening ears. Look at the apostles and believers in the Way, in the books of Acts, willing and ready to be hit with persecutions. See how everything they did gave esteem to Yahuah, or encouraged others, spreading the Good News with Shalom, doing as He said, at every opportunity. That is what we should be doing! Being ready as His servants, to do what He asks us to.
Some framily (adopted family) were truckers years ago, and they’ve told us stories about how Yahuah asked them to speak a word to someone and they did or didn’t. But by now they have learned, quick obedience, because in trucking they did not know if they would ever see that person again.
I encourage you! Take every opportunity to praise Him. Take every opportunity to give Him the esteem. Take every opportunity to obey Him. Remembering you are just grass.
Keep your eyes set on things above, Shalom
Isaiah 40:6-8, 21-25